Modern landscaping ...
Boom in construction of shopping centers? Definitely. Expected to continue full pace in the next few years. Especially in Central and Eastern Europe. According to this in 2008 and after 2009 the total area of the shopping centers, to be found in Eastern Europe is expected to increase by about 22 million square meters!
And what will happen with the green areas?
Greening of such objects is considered not only all science in terms of interior design, and by the physiological needs of plants. Best solutions, of course, occur when the design of architecture and interior views of landscape professionals.
In these cases, even in the initial phase of the project can be set necessary depth of soil for the plants, lighting and water necessary for polivane.Dori and boldest architectural and design ideas can be supported with vegetable and flower compositions. In larger and large spaces frequently used solution is to mimic a real shopping street closed. In this case, the shops were withdrawn at the periphery, thus formed a large interior space.
By skillfully separating this area is becoming square internal passage or charged with the functions of a real shopping street. Greening is a very rich and varied vegetation, seating, small waterfalls and more.
These areas are designated, and commercial functions to achieve desired by investors economic burden of the areas. For the landscaping can be used even edrorazmerni plants to be planted as street inline plantation in pre-built containers. The boxes depends on the size of the plant. Shape of individual spots with flowers or shrubs may be through the establishment of baths with the necessary depth and shape. Everywhere the soil profile should be the necessary waterproofing, drainage and irrigation system. In more traditional approach may be used and prepared dishes of different sizes.
Plant species that can be used are many and varied.

Modern landscaping
To form large volumes of plant you can use different types: rubber plant (Ficus), Areukariya, (Araucaria), Hamedoreya (Chamaedorea), Tsikas (Cycas), Nolina (Nolina), Dratsena (Dracena), Dizigoteka (Dizygotheca), Hoveya ( Howea), Monstera (Monstera), Pahira (Pachira), Phoenix (Phoenix), Sheflera (Schefflera), Jukka (Yucca), Washington (Washingtonia), Hamedoreya (Chamaedorea) and others.
landscaping of commercial centers
For dooformyane of larger volumes of plant or separate groups of lower plants are suitable: Aglonema (Aglonema), Alpinist (Alpinia), Asplenium (Asplenium), Kalateya (Calathea), Kodeum (Codiaeum), Koleus (Coleus), Kordiline (Cordyline), Ktenante (Ctenanthe), Difenbahiya (Diffenbachia), Evonimus (Euonymus), Pithon (Fittonia), Kalanhoe (Kalanchoe), Haze (Maranta), Nefrolepis (Nephrolepsis), Spatifilum (Spathiphyllum) and others.

Landscape for your home
Low and pochvopokrivni species can complement the main groups are:
Atirium (Athhyrium), Pithon (Fittonia), Kalanhoe (Kalanchoe), Mikrolepiya (Microlepia), Nefrolepsis (Nefpholepsis), Nertera (Nertera), Oksalis (Oxalis), Pele (Pellaea), Peperomiya (Peperomia), Pogonaterum (Pogonatherum), Pteris (Pteris), Salaginela (Selaginella), Soleyroliya (Soleirolia) and others.
If you need Widespread and drop vegetation may be used:

Landscape ideas
Ampelopsis (Ampelopsis), Callisto (Callisia), Tsisus (Cissus), Kodonante (Codonanthe), Kolumneya (Columnea), Epipremnum (Epipremnum), header (Hedera), Hoya (Hoya), Mikael (Mikania), Sedum (Sedum), Singonium (Syngnium), Tolmeya (Tolmeia), Tradeskantsiya (Tradescantia) and others.
Of course, the problems of vegetation here are far less. Microclimate in the greenhouse, growing plants and those of air-conditioned environments are quite different. For live flowers detrimental than the lack of humidity in a forced air-conditioned air and dust are a problem and the lack of sufficient daylight.
Furthermore, the microclimate must not forget the need for regular watering, feeding, replanting, pruning, treatment with medicines and many other daily activities that clearly require professional maintenance. Speaking of maintenance, must pay attention to another problem.
In many cases when dealing with larger interior spaces are filled with vegetation resulting unfortunate niche or general trouble spots.

Landscape ideas
The trouble is that more people involved in the design does not consider the fact that it comes to living organisms. Plants to which we so high aesthetic requirements strongly refuse to look beautiful in the formation is a niche as a staircase or in the darkest corner of the room ...
Plants are a focus and as such require attention and care to enjoy with your presence. If approaches to professionalism, even the most daring and cutting-edge solutions are feasible.

Garden landscape
Courage and innovation have led to such achievements in the transformation of the exterior in the interior as the water effects of Ngee Ann City, (Singapore) and Wafi Mall (Dubai), spacious, light and lush vegetation of the Tokyo Midtown (Tokyo, Japan), Cottonwood Mall (Salt Lake City), Allee arcaden (Germany) and Millena Mall (Orlando, Florida), as the real sky glazed roofs of The Galleria, (Houston, Texas, USA) and Via Bellagio (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA); comfort and greenery of Bugis Junction (Singapore), De jardins (Montreal, Quebec), Richmond center (British Columbia), Bayshor center (Ottawa, Canada) and many others. others.

Modern landscaping
The aim of today's commercial centers are the embodiment of Plenty Garden of Eden, laden with fruit, which add additional volumes plant feeling that shopping, you really have come to the seventh heaven ... What a nice, green paradise, if we meet in front of the building still.
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