Personal style the exterior. Subtleties in the choice of pool

Full luxury costa rica pool

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Individuality is not for everyone, but everyone can try to be original. Especially in the details that will complete the picture. After a terrible speed and hot summer day brings happy horrible reality that is detached from the pool. To load with power to dream, to smile more often
Professional performance of the pool design with attention to the water facility and the surrounding area gives a finished look to any yard and increase the property value.
What size to choose and how to locate the pool in the yard?
Construction of a swimming pool begins with serious study of the terrain and hydrogeological engineering. At a later stage be prepared drawings for the pool based on survey results. The presence of rocks will make it harder and more expensive construction of the bed of the pool. If a small depth of 1 meter is groundwater, building a pool is not recommended.
When determining the location of the pool in the yard, should be avoided proximity with septic tanks, sewer pipes and electrical cables. Other important factors in choosing the best location is also the place to be shining most of the sun and not be overshadowed by buildings or trees to be protected from wind and to allow for sequestration as far from prying eyes.

Luxury swimming pool
It is good to avoid the proximity of the trees because their leaves pollute the water. Plants with large and branched root system does can cause cracks in the concrete bed of the pool.
Sizing the pool is the scale of the yard, and depending on what will be used for sport, recreation, games, etc. To have a truly complete yard, the pool should not be predominant in it.
The optimum amount of water facility large yard average is between 30 to 45 square meters
What shape and depth are best?
It is necessary to answer any questions and to what ends will use the pool?
This is important to choose the most appropriate form, size and depth. In the event that children will enjoy the pool, should be made more shallow or sector for them to be differentiated particularly shallow area. Depth in world standards it is perceived to range from 1.20 m to 1.50 1.80 m in sloping bottom in a horizontal bottom case to 1.50 m. Note, however, deep pools are maintained more difficult and require more funds for construction.

Swimming pool spa
What we want the pool structure molded or modular?
Modular are the cheapest option and are built faster. Monolithic pools are more difficult to maintain. As a future trend of modular swimming pools, particularly with regard to private facilities.
Monolithic pool offers more choice of shapes. Practicable to complete each form according to personal taste and imagination. Must comply with the functionality of the pool, the architecture and layout of the house and the surrounding area. The classic rectangular shape is suitable for any purpose and most easily fits in any backyard. Dynamic construction and expensive forms take longer to implement.
What types of pools are available and how long will it take to build them?
Modular pools are mainly used in homes or small hotels. Their construction is a wall of high-tech aluminum-magnesium alloy coated with PVC. Place the surface or the land vkopavat. When vkopavat, excavation is made corresponding to the size and depth of the pool. Then pour concrete flat plate mounted to the facility and again to pour concrete.
A number of modular forms three major basins round, oval and rectangular. May and supply of equipment with the kidney-shaped.

Luxury pool for your modern and luxury home
The advantage of this type of basin that is installed very quickly. Furthermore, their maintenance is much easier than the monolithic. For proper operation the facility can serve a very long time.
For the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete basin structure is made. Cast is solid as the walls and bottom placed reinforcement for greater strength. It is good to specify the sites before construction of pipes, handrails, stairs, lighting and other equipment to be laid in the formwork and not break the structure then. Casting of concrete in this case should be done at once. If you pour in stages, there will be gaps and construction will not be watertight.
Luxury Poo And Backyard
The surface should be very smooth.
The next stage is plastered on the walls and bottom of the structure. Finished interior surface is covered with coated waterproof layer. Then proceed to stick coating with a special adhesive and grouting.
Technological process of building such a pool is a continuous construction and can take 4 months to 1.5. It should be borne in mind that monolithic pool requires constant care and cleaning.
Filtration of the pool may be horizontal, vertical or hybrid.
For vertical filtering water blends into the spillway, located on the perimeter of the pool and flows into the buffer tank. This pool looks most beautiful, as the water level coincides with that of the pan. Its construction is a little longer than other types and is slightly more expensive, but it really creates the impression of a water fairy. If the pool is over 200 cubic meters, it is better to build it with the overflow.
In the pool with a horizontal filtration using skimmers along the walls of the pool. Water level is 15-20 cm below the top elevation of the walls of the pool.

Amazing luxury pool
Materials for lining
Mosaic is considered one of the most reliable finishes. There are two types of ceramic and glass. The most widely used in glass-case, because it is durable and watertight. It is easy to use as it is possible to carry out all forms, but its small size allows the lining of the corners and inaccessible places. We can choose among standard mixes or to manifest his fantasy and designers to develop unique mixes or special panels for us.
Rich is the choice for matte surfaces of glass, with glitter and various threads, imitation marble, gold or silver. In order to make specific colors and non-marketed.
Another option for lining your pool are clinker tiles. They have very low water absorption and frost-resistant. Advantage of these chips is that they easily maintained their purity. Tile adhesives and materials are in rich color palette, so in tune with the color of tiles or contrast depending on the chosen design.
PVC film is the cheapest option for lining. Its thickness ranges from 1 to 1.5 mm and has a variety of colors. The film is more resistant to UV radiation and chemicals. For it does not require much care and also easy to clean. We could choose as a special paint coating based on epoxy resin which is not toxic and solvent free.
Equipment Pool
Additional equipment includes underwater pool lighting, facilities for games and other water effects.
Halogen lights for underwater lighting is used most often in practice. Can be fitted to one color or to choose different colored lenses. Most models are built into the walls of the pools, but there are options for installation in an already built swimming pools without water breach the integrity of the facility.
Another option is LED lighting. It also may be one color or multicolored. The second makes very beautiful pool, because it allows for selection of programs for transfusion in many colors. This type of lighting is also possible to install and basins that are already built with halogen lighting.
To enjoy the different games in the pool, offered a springboard for diving and water slides that will be tailored to the size, shape and design of the facility.
Stairs and handrails to facilitate access and swimming. Ladders are made of stainless steel, and we can choose different models depending on the type and design of the pool.
Water effects give additional pleasure from the water. Here the choice is among the aquatic fungi, water umbrellas and other kinds of decorative waterfalls and fountains. For smaller pools where there is insufficient space for swimming, it is possible to use a special device which creates a cross over. To give further impetus to our body, also offers the possibility to choose the bottom geysers, which we delicately massaged. We can stop and massage benches, which relax muscle tension through vertical air massage in water.

Luxury villa pool
Prevention of pools and seasonal maintenance
To enjoy clean water in the basin during the active season must exert much care. Best filter systems the water from the dirt, but the prevention of micro-organisms, bacteria and algae is through the use of chemicals. Experts offer regular maintenance (on an individual scheme or standard weekly) testing of water supply and treatment with chemicals. Ease up using a unique computer control system for water in real time, called the e-pool. It monitors the parameters of the water and automatically dosed preparations.
Before the season for active use of the pool and at the end of the season must be carried out many activities to keep the water facility and to enjoy for many years.
Modern home pool
Preparing for winter conditions include:
suspension of water to the pool;
draining water from the pool to a certain level;
emptied and thoroughly cleaned the filters and pipes;
removal of additional equipment on the pool stairs, handrails, etc.;.
placing boats skimming linear expansion of ice;
placing anti-algae chemicals, microorganisms and water softeners.
Modern and luxury home pool
Very important is the installation of winter cover. It is made from strong PVC material, reinforced with fibronishki. Resistance to temperature changes and UV rays. In addition, it will protect the pool and facing him will be a preventive measure and fall of children and pets in the pool.
Predsezonnata preparation consists in removing the winter cover, drain water from pool cleaning vodostruyka and chemical testing pool and state of the lighting assembly of the filter system and the installation of chlorine dispensers, pool filling and placing of ladders, trampoline and others. equipment pool.
Before the new service specialist must verify functionality of the system. In season usually enjoy summer cover that protects the environment from pollution, but also prevents water toplootdava and retain the sun for her rapid heating.
The area around the pool
Modern and luxury home pool
Yard around the pool vinagre decided in different styles according to our ideas about how we use it. Could be filled with greenery, to form corners for BBQ and parties, to accommodate garden furniture to relax and others. It is also possible to put all pieces of fiberglass, which will be particularly interesting for children.
Okolobaseynovoto for construction of space can choose an exotic wood, stone or artificial surfaces. Choosing the edge of the pool board with a stone or tile board formed a large part by the yard. There are two types of airborne natural and artificial stone (available in a wide range of colors).
Implementation of the pool and surrounding area is subject to our ideas and the way we want them to realize. Consultation with designers and design team will bring us the best option for this case.
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